Saturday, May 5, 2012


A blank screen. An overloaded mind. Putting words to your life isn't that easy. You can't just stare at the computer and hope your emotions paint a picture. You have to let the words flow out of you like a river. You can't hold anything back. Building up a wall doesn't do you any good. It takes a lot less effort to let that wall that surrounds your heart fall to the ground. Let the pieces smash to the floor around your feet. Feel the relief settle over you. Fly to the sky with your new freedom. Fill your lungs with pure air. Your not suffocated any more. Dont you see? Making your life a shelter slowly kills you on the inside. The feeling of happiness slowly fades. The color of your life turns to shades of grey. Nothing is lively. You dont control how you live anymore. If this is you, how about you take control. Right here. Right now. Show the world who you are. Open up! Breathe for the first time in  a while. Dont just say, Do. Make it happen. The feeling of accomplishment will flood over you. Feeling great won't just be an option. All this, really Does exsist. ♥

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